I’m in a phase in which I finally finish things again. See here my new bag. Not quite finished but that should be a problem to do this week. It does need a spin in the washer before it’s completely done.

I think this bag will be perfect to take my knitting to the SnB nights. In that case I should line the bag. That way I can add pockets. What would be better? Big ones or smaller ones? What does everyone have in their knitting bag that they can’t do without? Most of my stuff is in a separate bag. Hey, that’s an idea. I have yarn left over to make a little pouch for that stuff. Still need to figure out how big to make the inner pockets of the bag.
O, I did finish something this week. My neighbors hat is done. Not quite what I had in mind, but it sure is different.

And I got myself another neat book. There are at least 3 patterns that I want to make. I’m almost afraid to admit it, but I actually have the yarn for it lying around the house (somewhere). Right now my list with things I want and can make has gotten up to 25.