Sunday, December 27, 2009

Preparation for 2010

Like I said before I have started the preparations for next year. Only when it concerns my knitting, the rest will follow eventually. I didn’t quite finish 100 balls of yarn, but I admit that 87 really isn’t that bad. In the area for progress I reserved a spot for this challenge. I’m also going to keep track of how much actually gets into this house, the whole idea is to end up with less yarn at the end of the year. I filled a bin with projects, my project bin. I got 16 projects that I want to finish. At the end of the year I might change that to having them all out of the bin, instead of actually finishing them all.

My list for 2010:

  • Finishing 100 balls of yarn

  • Emptying out the project bin

  • Finishing my Wolhemel blanket

Sounds real simple, doesn’t it?

Sunday, December 20, 2009


I felt like I had nothing to tell the past couple of weeks. I posted a progress bar on the right side so everyone can see what I’m working on and how that is going.

Yet enough has happened. I frogged a project I had started. I’m busy with the preparations for Christmas. I actually got the attic mostly organized.

The reason why I felt like there was nothing to tell has to do with the title of the entry. I have to say goodbye. No, not to you guys. My grandmother died last Thursday. She was very ill, for her this is the best. The rest of us is still getting used to it.

Starting next week I’ll focus on the future. I’ll put my plans for 2010 on paper. I get to do the thing I like so much, making lists.