No, not the spindles. I stole the idea of making them. Last Saturday snorrepot (Ravelry link) showed me a spindle that paarsetulp (Ravelry link) made for her. She got the idea for them when she went to the Hema (Dutch store). I passed the store last week and decided to see what had inspired her. At the department of childrens toys I found 4 wooden tops for €1,95. I saw what the attraction was to paarsetulp and walked out of the store holding the little bag with tops. I made the spindles that same night, I had everything at home except for the little hooks. They work amazingly well. I didn’t weigh them, but they’re definitely not heavy.
On the knitting front I finally finished my Moonfleet shawl. It’s still wrapped around Jasmin. It looks really good on her.