Sunday, January 13, 2008

First two projects are done

bunny & socks
Originally uploaded by isis1207
My amigurumi bunny and a pair of socks are done. That’s two finished projects this year. Now I get to started something new. I made a list with all the projects I know should be around somewhere. Right now I have 10 projects (bunny and socks are finished). I think I need a kind of schedule in which I plan what to do and when. During my lunch break I work on the Myrtle Leaf Shawl, when I get home I do 1 row on the Pi Shawl, Saturday night is socknight, etc. Of course I should keep it to a few items in the hope to finish quickly.


Natalie said...

How incredibly CUTE! Is that crochet (the bunny)?? How adorable. I just finished writing about you on my BLOG! :-D

brigitte said...

:) I noticed. I checked your blog and saw my own face :-D