Monday, January 26, 2009

New toy

Originally uploaded by isis1207
Except for a week vacation in the south of the country I have no plans for a vacation. I decided that I could use my money on something fun. So I bought a little laptop. The idea is to use it as an electronic notebook. I’m still working on arranging the folders.
Of course you need to protect a new toy. So I started the next project, a laptop case. Since the laptop isn’t that big it shouldn’t take that long to finish. Those hexagons work addictive as well. They’re pretty quickly done and then the fun of putting it together starts. I’m going to try to stick with this project until it’s finished. So what if I’m behind on the other projects, it’s my own planning after all.

1 comment:

Natalie said...

Congrats, girlfriend! What a fun self-present!!!