Sunday, January 27, 2008

Just keep going

Scarf VoD
Originally uploaded by isis1207
It’s not going well. Because of the challenge to knit a mile the focus has shifted from knitting so many rows to how long I can keep going a day and what will use up the most yarn. I figured that shawls will use up yarn very nicely. It went so nicely that I realized that I don’t have enough to finish the SSS. I calculated and recalculated many times just to make sure. Nope, it’s not enough. The only thing left is to frog the thing.
Myrtle is being left alone right now. Out of the almost 13 repeats (there are 40 in total) I’ve managed to knit two without obvious mistakes. It looks like bugs have been eating the leaves in several places. I’m still not sure if I want to continue or to start over.
So, what do we do? That’s right, we pick the next thing. The scarf comes from Knitting-Delight group. It’s a mini mystery project. The whole scarf has three clues. That I should be able to do. It’s also a good destination for the yarn from SSS.

Friday, January 18, 2008

Stash knit down 2008

Originally uploaded by isis1207
I signed up for the stash knit down 2008 group on Ravelry. The challenge for January is to knit a mile. I can do it if I finish my Myrtle Leaf and finish all the clues for SpringShawlSurpise (yes, I started a new project). Hmm, not sure if I reach that goal. The end date for the challenge is the 19th of February but Myrtle isn’t even halfway done and I’m well over 2 clues behind on SSS. I need more hours in the day. Or longer weekends.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

First two projects are done

bunny & socks
Originally uploaded by isis1207
My amigurumi bunny and a pair of socks are done. That’s two finished projects this year. Now I get to started something new. I made a list with all the projects I know should be around somewhere. Right now I have 10 projects (bunny and socks are finished). I think I need a kind of schedule in which I plan what to do and when. During my lunch break I work on the Myrtle Leaf Shawl, when I get home I do 1 row on the Pi Shawl, Saturday night is socknight, etc. Of course I should keep it to a few items in the hope to finish quickly.

Sunday, January 6, 2008

Whoa, there is a hole!!

holey ball
Originally uploaded by isis1207
I went looking for yarn for a possible new project (I know, I haven’t finished anything yet. This is called preparation) and decided to put everything in it’s place. Sock yarn in the box with other sockyarn, all the plastic bags with yarn neatly smushed in between something. I found the leftover yarn from the MS3. With a hole!!! There is a hole in my ball of yarn! Aaaarrrrggggh!

Take a deep breath. I tried to take a decent picture of the hole, you can see a few strand of yarn coming from the offending spot. Right near this holey yarn was a skein of very, very nice yarn I bought last November on the SnB-day. Can’t find any holes (yet), but to be on the safe side this is going into the freezer.

How dare these bugs eat MY yarn? Go eat the neighbor’s dinnerjacket.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

New Year Resolutions?

VLT myrtle 01
Originally uploaded by isis1207
I hope everybody will have an awesome 2008. Is there anybody who has resolutions for this year? I’m not one to make New Year resolutions. It works for about two days and then I go back to my old habits.
What I will try this year is to finish more WIP’s before I start with another one. Being able to switch between projects is fun, but it takes ages for anything to actually finish. So . . . I started the Myrtle leaf shawl from VLT and I still need to finish 1 sock to make a pair. All the other projects are pretty much hibernating. The idea is to finish 2 projects before starting another one. Theoretically it should work.
Oh and I need to use up some of my stash. I bought some stuff right up to the end of 2007, I should be able to make it to July without buying anything new. I think.