Sunday, January 6, 2008

Whoa, there is a hole!!

holey ball
Originally uploaded by isis1207
I went looking for yarn for a possible new project (I know, I haven’t finished anything yet. This is called preparation) and decided to put everything in it’s place. Sock yarn in the box with other sockyarn, all the plastic bags with yarn neatly smushed in between something. I found the leftover yarn from the MS3. With a hole!!! There is a hole in my ball of yarn! Aaaarrrrggggh!

Take a deep breath. I tried to take a decent picture of the hole, you can see a few strand of yarn coming from the offending spot. Right near this holey yarn was a skein of very, very nice yarn I bought last November on the SnB-day. Can’t find any holes (yet), but to be on the safe side this is going into the freezer.

How dare these bugs eat MY yarn? Go eat the neighbor’s dinnerjacket.

1 comment:

Natalie said...

I had to read the post TWICE before I totally got what you were saying! Man, that would have made me MAD!!! Argh!