Sunday, January 27, 2008

Just keep going

Scarf VoD
Originally uploaded by isis1207
It’s not going well. Because of the challenge to knit a mile the focus has shifted from knitting so many rows to how long I can keep going a day and what will use up the most yarn. I figured that shawls will use up yarn very nicely. It went so nicely that I realized that I don’t have enough to finish the SSS. I calculated and recalculated many times just to make sure. Nope, it’s not enough. The only thing left is to frog the thing.
Myrtle is being left alone right now. Out of the almost 13 repeats (there are 40 in total) I’ve managed to knit two without obvious mistakes. It looks like bugs have been eating the leaves in several places. I’m still not sure if I want to continue or to start over.
So, what do we do? That’s right, we pick the next thing. The scarf comes from Knitting-Delight group. It’s a mini mystery project. The whole scarf has three clues. That I should be able to do. It’s also a good destination for the yarn from SSS.

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