Monday, February 4, 2008

Full chair

Originally uploaded by isis1207
Nothing exciting happened this week; I finished half of my VisionofDelight scarf. There were no uncontrollable urges to spend an absurd amount of money on knitting related stuff. I did reserve a sleeping place for the cats for when I’m on vacation. Right after I mentioned it three of them crawled on the chair together. The cat on the right (Isis) actually counts as two size-wise. Theoretically speaking I could fit 4 cats on the chair. But the fourth cat (Mickey) felt nu urge to participate in that experiment. If Isis lies down on her side, she covers more than half the seat. Scooter had been sitting in the chair before and got caught behind Isis. The little white guy has been trying to gain a place between the two and he finally succeeded. The whole chair filled with cat. Lucky for me I have a couch to sit on.

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