Monday, November 17, 2008


Originally uploaded by isis1207
I know I have too many projects at the moment. In my bedroom next to the closet is a basket with several WIP’s I have uncovered during a cleaningspree.
Right now I have 5 active projects, a pair of socks, a clapotis, the Wolhemel blanket, a hat and mittens. I promised the socks for Christmas, I’m a block behind on the blanket, I’m really going to need that hat soon (I LOATHE the cold), the mittens are for my grandmother and the clapotis is/was a Christmas present.
I need to spend time at working, so finishing everything within the next 6 weeks is not going to be easy. Okay, so the blanket won’t be finished this year but I’d like to keep up with the blocks. So . . . I’ll keep working on the socks, hat and mittens. The clapotis will shift from Christmas present to birthday present 9giving me 6 more months to finish) and the blanket will have to wait until one of the first 3 projects are done. Keep knitting bocks until I’m up to speed and then start something new.

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