Sunday, February 7, 2010

Don’t do it doesn’t work

You’d think that after almost 40 years I should know myself pretty well. I believe that I should lower the number of projects that float around this house to an acceptable amount. In my mind that should be about 5.

Telling myself not to start anything new is like saying that I won’t eat chocolate any more. Two new projects jumped on the needles. How bad am I?

I started with Belle Nuit. Beautiful design and I should have known that a design by Sivia Harding wouldn’t be really simple. Beside the normal decreases en yarn overs it contains small cables, beads and the occasional purl stitch. In other words, not a project for a suspense movie.


And then I started with this. My only excuse is that this one takes a whole year to finish and that should be sufficient time.

1 comment:

Natalie said...

It is gorgeous though! :-)