Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Minus two, plus one

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I had the fullest intentions to finish some projects and then to start on my cardigan. I still don’t have any yarn, so you’d think I’d keep up with finishing things. I’m planning on buying the yarn on the SnB-day so I have until November 3rd to finish stuff.
You’d think that what I’d do.I finish two WIP’s, the gloves form the
MittensKal and the Clapotis. Especially the last one went faster than expected, I ran out of yarn right before the end. So what do I do next? I start knitting a test pair of Fetching. Yes, a test pair. I want to give these away for Christmas, but I don’t have the right colors for the intended recipient. Actually, this is just a good excuse to make them for myself.


Natalie said...

What yarn is this?! Looks like that Berroco Love It stuff, but not quite! Looks like a fun pattern, too!

brigitte said...

Lana Grossa Merino 2000.
Great stuff.