Sunday, October 14, 2007

Fun with yarn

tangled mess
Originally uploaded by isis1207
Last night I frogged a couple of socks and sat down with my woolwinder. One soch was too small around the ankle, the other one was simply too big. I couldn’t find anyone with bigger feet that wanted to wear purple, red and green striped socks so I had no other option than to frog the poor thing. I’ll use the yarn for another sock.
I also had a skein of sockyarn that needed winding. Working a bit fast, not all too secure, a bit of pulling and yanking and I ended up with a gorgeous mass of tangeld yarn. I spend the whole night trying to get it untangled. Who says you can’t have hours fo fun with a single strand of yarn? And I plan to make socks from it, more fun with yarn.


Natalie said...

You are such a nut! :-) Gosh, I wish we lived closer. I so miss you... and yes, a ball of yarn can remind me of that!
Love ya, Nat

brigitte said...

Let's move the US and the Netherlands a bit closer to each other :-D

Natalie said...

I wish! nat